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Do you look back at hard moments in your life and wonder why? Why did Jesus do *blank* to me? But then you also know in your heart that everything in your life, Jesus puts there to help you learn and grow more into who he created you to be. So, the question then becomes: what do you, Jesus, want me to learn from *blank* and where are you in it with me? It is in that question you step more into your God-given identity and grow closer in your relationship with Jesus.

I’ve had countless of those questions throughout my life, but even more specifically since going to Rwanda in highschool and being sent home from studying abroad during Spring 2020. I have recently noticed that all these questions have led me in a direction I would have never thought I would consider: the World Race. I know Jesus has put the World Race on my heart this past year, especially with me graduating this May. 

The first time I heard about the World Race was from one of my close friends I met at a local coffee shop in Colorado. She told me that you live out of your backpack for 11 months, traveling from one country to the next, with the mission of loving the communities in each location and helping in any way needed. Right away, I wrote off ever doing something like that. Although, not soon after, I signed up to go on a mission trip to Bali with my church in San Diego, as I loved going on the mission trip to Rwanda in high school. About two months out from the trip, I concluded that I did not feel called to go anymore. My heart was drawn to something else, but I had no clue what. 

Fast forward a couple months, I made the decision to study abroad in my Spring semester of 2020 in Rome. This was honestly incredibly scary because I was going to a country with a culture and dialect that I did not know. But, I quickly fell in love. Meeting locals, wandering the beautiful streets and living in a whole new sense of independence brought me to life. Therefore, having it end so abruptly due to covid was quite a shocker. I was left with the deep ache of wanting to see all that God created and getting to know more communities and cultures. 

There are so many more reasons for wanting to embark on this wild journey, although that would take way too long to write. BUT I would love to talk about them, so please call me if you would like to hear more: 720-347-0195.

3 responses to “Why the World Race?”

  1. I am so proud of you and this decision to trust Jesus in such a huge way. You have a great relationship with Him already and The Race will make it grow. I can’t wait to hear all your reports. Love, Barbara

  2. Victoria, I love your heart for other nations and cultures. Honestly so beautiful. I’m a current Racer in month 11, and have been reading and responding to your squad’s blogs. Just wanted to share, I also love love love Italy! Sorry that it got cut short, but I’m glad that the Lord has continued to pull on your heart to the Race! Praying for the Lord to light a fire in you as you prepare and wait and enjoy over the last few months before launch! He has much in store for you, even now.

  3. Congratulations on your graduation from PLNU and wishing you all the best on this exciting adventure !